Registering a Domain Name and Using It to Start Making Money Online - Internet - Domain Names

Sabtu, 16 November 2013

Owning a domain is like owning your house on the web and your the name is the street address that points someone to that property on the internet. You cannot start making money online without first registering a domain name or two. The most successful people making money online own hundreds sometimes thousands of domains.

Lets get you started on owning your domain name and using it to start making money online.

First you need to register a name. is the by far the best place to register a domain name. They don't have all those commercials and NASCAR sponsorships for no reason. They offer the best prices and I register all of my domains with them when it comes to making money online.

How do I pick the best domain name?

1. The best domain name to register will depend on how you plan on using the domain name to make money online. It could be that you'll be using the domain to make a review site, or blog, or to promote the site of an affiliate offer. But no matter what method of making money online, the number one criterion when picking a name is your choice of keywords.

2. Find a keyword phrase that has about 2-3 words and use those words in your domain name. For example if you're making a site about "wood tables" then a good keyword could be "making wood tables" and your domain name to register would be "".

3. A good tool to use when researching your keywords is the Google's Adwords Keyword tool. Its frequently updated database helps me pinpoint the most efficient keywords and analyze the performance of the keywords I choose when making money online.

How to make money online with your domain name

The quickest way to making money online with your domain is by using it to promote an affiliate product.

1. First go to ShareASale and sign up for free to get access to hundreds of offers that you can promote online.

2. In ShareASale sign up for an offer that you have some knowledge or experience with and is also profitable. There is a wide range to choose from so choose wisely.

3. Make sure the offer that you choose has a relevance to the domain you already own. If not just register one that relates to the offer. For example: if you choose an offer that has to do with weight loss then your domain name could be something like "".

4. Once you have your offer click on "Get links" to get the link that you'll be sending traffic to in order to get paid.

5. Copy and paste that link in a word document.

6. Now go into your GoDaddy account and forward the domain you created for this offer to the link that you got in Step 4 (The one that pays you for referring people). Make sure that you forward the domain name with the masking option. This means that someone goes to the offer your link is pointing to they will still see your registered title in the explorer bar instead of the original link.

7. Now you have to do is just promote your domain all over the web. Every time some clicks on that link they are taken to the page of the offer that pays you commissions. For ways of promoting your new affiliate domain to make money online watch this video.

8. Just because you'll be making the money online doesn't mean you are limited to online marketing methods only. You can promote your site using flyers, business cards, newspaper classifieds etc.

Now that you know how to make money online with a domain you can replicate this process over and over with different domain names and offers. Dive in, register your domain and I wish you the best of success.

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