How to get Free Domain - Internet

Minggu, 17 November 2013

For those of you new flatform wordpress ( alias for the web itself there are various options to get a domain. One free domain name service provider is They provide free domain facility with provisions must register as a user. How do it? I will discuss one by one here.

Register on the site co.ccPoint your browser address into, change language in accordance yours. Please register first by clicking the " Create an Account Now . " You will be given the required fields page to register your account. Fill in with complete data.Your first name,

Last Name,

Email Address (must be valid)

Password (which will be used at the time of login)

Date, month and year of your birth

Address URL (if you already have a URL)

Blemish on the "I accept the Terms of Service"

Then click the Submit

You will be prompted to enter a password again before then enter the code Captha

The contents of the code listed, then click continue.

Determining Your Domain Name

The following step is to determine your domain name. Of course you have to log in with user that has been made. On the home page you will find a form Determine your domain name by typing in the box provided. For example, if you want your domain name later was "" then you just type "cobadomain" in the box provided. Then click the "Check availability".

If the domain name you typed already exists that has, it will confirm that the domain name already exists and is registered in and you are asked to choose a domain name to another. If no one has, then there will be confirmation that the domain name of your choice is available and free 1 year registration or $ 0. And you have full control and full management over your domain. Then proceed by clicking the button " proceed to registration (Continue Registration). " Your domain is ready for use. You only need to select the hosting both free or paid. Among them,, HostGator,, etc.DNS Management

Management DNS domain server function as the determination that we have. In this menu you are prompted to enter your domain hosting server name which must be obtained only after you terdaptar on Web Hosting and server name will be given by the hosting provider. provide another choice in having their own domain. For a free, one user account only given 2 free domain. If you want more, you are given a choice of 100 paid domain name domain to 1500 domain. and costs to be paid from $ 10 to $ 1,000. Cheap is not it??For a free domain name you do not need to be discouraged. provide almost all services owned by them:

- Sub Domains

- Edit CNAME, A, MX, NS, TXT,

- Control Panel

- Google Applications

- Windows Live Custom Domains

- Amazon Associates, and

- Blogger Custom Domain.

I think that's a little hint to get a free domain

Next specify the domain name of your choice.

Hopefully useful.

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

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