Free Domain Name - Convert A Long URL To A Short One - Internet

Senin, 06 Januari 2014

Do you have your own webpage or website online and you don't have your own domain name and the address to your website is so long?

I know how hard it is to promote a website with long urls and trying to give the url to family or friends so they can visit your website can be a nightmare in itself.

There are a few choices but many are paid options only. When I was doing some research for my website I discovered a cool wayto turn those really long urls into a short one using a standard domain name which forwards on to your long url.

This is a genuine domain name and the extension ends are a few things you need to have to receive your domain name.

1. Your must have an existing webpage or website2. 25 Visitors or more need to visit your webpage or website every 3 months

If your website is not visited 25 times in 90 days your domain will be cancelled. There is also an option of e-mail forwarding and its 100% FREE.

So you might be thinking what extension mean? This extension is for Tokelau which is a small island in the Pacific Ocean. The only worry these Islanders have is the ship coming in the harbor with fresh fish, which is divided equally amongst the people in the village.

Maybe that's the reason why Tokelau, carrying the web address is so relaxed about its domain registration. I am not sure, all I know for anyone that wants to convert there long domain names you can do it for free using extension.

You can register up to 3 domain which the website can be visited by going to -

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