The top 10 most basic questions you should ask your potential web designer. - Website Promotion - Online Promotion

Selasa, 05 November 2013

->> 1.What industry sites and blogs do you read consistently?This question can tell you how up to date they are with the latest industry trends and technologies, as well as how passionate they are about web design. It will help separate the people who do it as a career as well as a hobby from those who might simply be in it for the financial benefits.

->> 2.What sized websites have you worked before?Find a developer that has experience similar in size to the project you're putting together. Developers with high traffic, large scale site expertise may offer skills that smaller-sized developers don't. On the other hand, developers who typically build smaller sites may have an eye for things that large scale developers don't, such as offering a greater level of visual creativity. It depends on what exactly YOU are wanting out of this web designing experience!

->> 3.Do you favor working independently or with others?This is an important question to ask depending on the work environment. If your project is going to require close interaction with other developers it is very useful to have someone who has had that kind of experience. But also, many developers are the most successful while working independently. Try to find a developer that fits YOUR needs.

->> 4.What are some sites you admire and why?Find out what inspires them, from a web developers perspective. While it doesn't necessarily "take one to know one," a great developer should always have a few notable favorites.

->> 5.How comfortable are you with writing HTML?Although their resume may state that they're an HTML expert, often times many developers can't actually write an HTML document from top to bottom. They rely on an external publisher or have to constantly flip back to a reference manual. Any legitimate developer should at least be able to write a simple HTML document without relying on external resources.

->> 6.Can you show me your portfolio?A portfolio can say a lot about a developer. Do they have an eye for aesthetics? Are they more creatively or logically oriented? Keep an eye out for solid, extensive, completed projects. These are important key qualities of a great web designer.

->> 7.Can you show me YOUR code?Source code can say more about a person's work habits than you think. Clean, elegant code can often be indicative of a methodical, capable developer. Make sure you ask for a lot of source code, not just a few isolated functions or pieces of HTML. Anyone can clean up 20-30 lines of code for an interview; you want to see the all the works. Don't ask for a full, functional app, but make sure it's enough that you can tell it is really what their code is like.

->> 8.What's your favorite development language and why?Asking about feature additions is a particularly valuable question - it can reveal if they're skilled in programming in general or if their skillset is categorized into their language of choice.

->> 9.What web browser do you use?There is a right answer to this question: all of them! A proficient developer should be familiar with testing cross-browser compatibility by using all the major web browsers. Obviously they'll have a primary browser they use for surfing, but their answer to this question might be a good way for you to transition into asking how extensively they test cross-browser issues. Also seeing what toolbars they have installed can be a good measurement of their skillset.

->> 10.What are some personal web projects you've been working on?Almost all developers have personal web projects that they like to work on during leisure time. This is another question that can help differentiate the passionate developers from the money hungers. It's also a good question to end an interview with, as it's usually easy and interesting for them to answer.

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